Groundhog Day
On January 29th, I found this fragment by the ancient Greek poet Sappho: she stands out among Lydian women as after sunset the rose-fingered moon exceeds all stars
boxer, part the second
I wrote a shorter vignette for the word 'boxer'.
It was Boxing Day and Bob was lounging in his boxers listening to the Simon and Garfunkel box set gifted to him yesterday, humming along to a song of poverty and loneliness in New York City. Rocky, his #boxer, was snoring by the fireplace.
child cannibalism
The word prompt here is "stock". From January 13th.
Alien songs and weird sights overwhelmed Citizen Mellish's senses during his first hour at the station's Zócalo. A heavenly scent from a tiny stall made his mouth water. Behind its counter, in a ridiculous chef's hat, was a dragon-ish biped stirring purple broth in a pot.
"That smells wonderful. Can I try?"
"First one's free!" chirped the chef, "My hatchlings make the tastiest #stock. Slaughtered this morning!"
The little Brood was right. So delicious that he didn't feel guilty.
The word prompt here is "belly". From January 28th.
Citizen Mellish and the Brood, who insisted on being called Long Toes, lazed on a large sack of aerogel, each #belly full of an unspeakable yet delicious stew.
"You don't feel guilty eating your kids?" Fielding asked, coughing then puffing out a cloud of weed smoke.
Long Toes looked at Citizen Mellish with goat-like eyes, "Nope. They will hatch again in a few days." Long Toes reached for the joint and took a toke, "Maybe they'll learn their lesson to run when they first see me."
From January 27th.
"I don't get the #wss366 hashtag", whined the writer. "Y'can't #capture the essence of a story in a toot or tweet or whatever they call it."
"Did you even try?"
"Why not? You make a living as a writer! You own a home in America during the 21st century! You have a Masters in English! Editors solicit you!" her lover announced to the admittedly small audience.
The writer mumbled something.
"It's too hard." she sulked.