
Met up with Yael, who came down from Massachusetts to visit her friend. I picked her up and we went to Johnny's to catch up and hang out. She braided my hair and beard, we talked, we played skeeball, and just enjoyed each other's company. Afterwards we went for a drive. She had me check out an abandoned house, then we hit Wawa before getting her back to her friend's place.


Theropods encircled our intrepid hero, already dizzy from blood loss. Scarlet rivulets marked his skin and salty blood stung his eyes with more flowing as his pulse increased. The dinos didn't hiss or roar, rather they sounded like birds chirping like Carolina wrens and red-tailed hawk screams. Something about their raised tails terrified him on a primal level.
Backed against a lonely, ratty pine, he discovered his .45 was empty the hard way.
On the third pathetic click of his gun, the flock pounced upon him. Talons disemboweling him, serrated maws severing his #shoulder, and claws clutching for skin and meat.
With his good arm, he pulled out his stick of dynamite, lighting it with his cigar that fell to the leaf litter as his carotid was sliced open, encouraging his hunters.
Shaken while being torn apart, no longer feeling pain, h...

A bang echoed through the barrens sending birds into the sky followed by silence.

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