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"You know a real friend? Someone you know will look after your cat after you are gone."
— William S. Burroughs


Had to have been in 1999. I was cheating on my girlfriend with an Italian American princess who was cheating on her Muslim husband. One day she had me come with her to a clinic because she needed something removed from her uterus. She had me wait in the car. When she came out, she said, "You would not believe it. It was a tumor the size of a tennis ball." She seemed to be in good spirits.
Kinda nagged at me, but not strongly, over the decades. I think she had my abortion. Thing is she could've told me and that bugs me more than anything.
It's nagging at me now 'cause I don't think tumor/cyst removal from ladyparts would be so... outpatient.
I'm connected with her on Facebook and could send her a message, but I don't see how that'd come of any good.

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