
One thing about writing Esperanto here at inkubo.org is that I (currently) must replace each consonant with a caret with an html entity. For example: ĉ as ĉ or ŭ as ŭ. It's a tedious process of search-and-replace. Hopefully I'll find a workaround or write a script to automate the process.
But I could use the h-system, the x-system, or the Jeono-system. The h, or Zamenhof, system says if a consonant has a caret (ĉapelo) or breve (hoko) then write the letter followed by an 'h'. Example: ĝ would be written as gh. The drawback is there are words where h follows c, g, h, j, and s which can lead to confusion for a reader. Also "uh" for ŭ just looks silly. The x-system works better, but the inclusion of 'x' just screams "LOOK AT ME, IMMA EDGELORD!" and it looks dumb. Example: "Ĉu vi volas manĝi?" becomes "Cxu vi volas mangxi?".
The Jeono-system, named for my Korean friend, is something I picked up from him on Twitter. He uses the h-system but replaces the ŭ with 'w'. I think it's simple and elegant and tidies up Esperanto's h-system orthography.

Since many readers of inkubo.org are not versed with Esperanto, much like 7,998,000,000 other people on the planet, I rather keep it simple if one chooses to use online translation (rettradukilo) instead of learning Esperanto so when I write in Esperanto again then I'll search-and-replace with the official Esperanto orthography where necessary.


Autumn is beginning to pick up steam. More trees have splashes of color in curious places. Many lawns already have their first few leaves upon them. If it wasn't for the lingering and unseasonable warmth, it'd be positively wonderful.

Which reminds me of a time back in autumn of 1999 where I was hanging out with Kinja, my former comare, around Jockey Hollow in Morristown. Jockey Hollow is a historic site featuring a working colonial farm and lots of natural areas which are secluded enough for engaging in adult shenanigans. Late one evening I recall us talking in her car and watched a little girl playing with her puppy. The blue hour was fast approaching, if it wasn't already upon us. Grass was already covered in leaves, and the few remaining leaves in the trees barely held any color at all. "She's writing a memory that will last her lifetime" I remember saying to Kinja.

Twenty-two years later and I hope that young lady is happy, holding warm memories of her canine friend.

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